“SBDP (Sev Batata Dahi Puri).” Acrylic and nail polish on canvas. 24” x 36”. 2022.
Currently, prints of this painting are being sold through Twelve Gates.
“Tel Malish.” Acrylic, ribbon, nail polish, cardboard on canvas. 18” x 24”. 2023.
Was on view and sold at Twelve Gates Arts’ 2023 gala.
“Can I Pull Off a Vest? (At Philly AIDS Thrift.” Acrylic, mask, feathers, paper, sequins on canvas. 16” x 20”. 2021.
On view at ReCreate Gallery April - May 2023.
“Day Two.” Acrylic on canvas. 16” x 20”. 2023.
“Aunty Freny.” Acrylic on reused canvas. 16” x 20”. 2023.
On view at ReCreate Gallery April - May 2023.
“Taurus Season.” Acrylic, fabric scraps, wrappers, vintage paper on canvas. "8” x 10”. 2023.
“Aai’s at Taco Bell.” Watercolor and pen on paper. 2021.
Was on view and sold at Twelve Gates’ 2022 gala.