Publications, Press, and Engagements
Shebani Rao and Sejal Shah. “Finding Friendship in Pandemic Collaboration.”
UC Davis
Led a comics workshop for the UC Davis Women’s Center, “Personal Liberation Through Comic Art.” 2021.
Led a comics workshop for a Women’s Studies course, Literature as Aesthetics of Resistance. 2021.
Haywood Burns Institute
Illustrated EM Toolkit: Ending the Use of Virtual Shackles. 2020.
The Margins, Asian American Writers’ Workshop
Illustrated Kimarlee Nguyen’s short story, “This Is a Story We All Know.” 2020.
On Privilege, Fraudulence, and Teaching As Learning: Selected Essays 1981-2019
Illustrated famed sociologist and feminist Peggy McIntosh’s collection of essays. 2019.
St. Joseph’s University
Participated in a panel discussion on working with the South Asian American Digital Archives (SAADA) and engaging with community history through art. 2019.
Tides Magazine
Kamaladevi comic featured in article, “The Other Kamala.” 2019.
Buzzfeed India
"This Woman Imagined Desi Women as Hollywood Romcom Leads and We Need to Make This Happen." 2017.
APEX Express Interview
“Talking About Comics” podcast w/Thi Bui and Rachelle Cruz. 2018.
Panelist, George Washington University
Participated in a panel discussion on art and activism with GWU’s South Asian Society. 2018.
The Aerogram
“A Q&A With Comics Creator Shebani Rao.” 2018.
"Illustrator Shebani Rao Shares 'Eight Things Only Desi-American Kids Will Understand." 2017.
"Comic Celebrates Life of a Badass Desi Feminist Hero." 2017.
"Someone Illustrated Leslie Knope's Compliments and They're Pretty Damn Cool." (I'm the "Someone.”) 2016.
"Someone Illustrated Leslie Knope Compliments and They Rock." (I'm still the "Someone.") 2016.
"This Illustrator Turned Leslie Knope's Best Compliments Into Motivational Posters." 2016.